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Ingrid Schmoliner (AT)
Prepared piano, voice

Elena Kakaliagou (GR)
French horn, voice

Thomas Stempkowski (AT)
Double bass

The Trio PARA creates contemporary instant-compositions out of an experimental sound language.

Precise artistic expression encounters creative energy. This creates a field of tension and new experimental music in a unique musical space.

Nearly casually the prepared piano opens with its clear rhythmical sounds, whilst crackling, knocking and rustling is produced by the horn. This is surrounded by the double bass which chromatically and melodiously winds itself up into the flageolet.

The protagonists’ structures stand next to each other, not melting but melding into one another.

With this the trio creates a sound space in which they concentratedly move with one another and next to each other.

The unfamiliar tonality asks questions…
Without answering these questions Para places their music into the created attentional space and presents it as an acoustical painting.

