
26/11/2019_ Workshop + GesprĂ€chskonzert fĂŒr StudentInnen_ Musikuni Wien _ 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Ingrid Schmoliners neuestem Werk â€žMNEEM“ – eine Auftragskomposition fĂŒr das diesjĂ€hrige Wien Modern Festival – liegen mit „XIE“ und „ZURAS“jene KlavierstĂŒcke aus dem Jahr 2017 zugrunde, die Schmoliner in ihrem Workshop an der Musik und Kunst PrivatuniversitĂ€t thematisiert.

Beide StĂŒcke bewegen sich kreisend in reichen Ober – und Untertonreihen im repetitivem Charakter um Knotenpunkte, die im Klavier gezielt mit Holz und Metall prĂ€pariert sind. Im Workshop werden diese Elemente aufgebaut und die StĂŒcke auszugsweise erarbeitet. Dabei werden rhythmische Strukturen wie auch klangliche „Illusionen“, die der kompositorischen Idee innewohnen, probiert und beleuchtet, um damit gleichzeitig auch die kompositorischen Quellen von â€žMNEEM“ kĂŒnstlerisch zu beforschen.

Die Arbeit mit den Studierenden mĂŒndet in ein knapp einstĂŒndiges GesprĂ€chskonzert, bei dem sich Schmoliner gemeinsam mit MUK-Prorektorin Rosemarie Brucha und Wien Modern Intendant Bernhard GĂŒnther auch dem Diskurs zur Stellung von „Frauen als Erfinderinnen von Musik“ widmen wird.

30/08/2019_ Singen ohne Text_ Wandern Barfuß_ mit Ingrid Schmoliner und der Wanderpraxis Bodenlos_ Perchtholdsdorfer Heide from 5:00 – 8:00 pm…freier Unkostenbeitrag ist fĂŒr diesen Schnupperabend erwĂŒnscht!

Informationen zu finden hier

Was geschieht, wenn jemand ohne Tracht jodelt? Ob „Singen ohne Text“ fĂŒr das Jodenl, wie Wikipedia es beschreibt und die EnzyklopĂ€die damit – akademisch gesehen – richtig, oder falsch liegt und ob es sonst wie fachlich stimmig ist, das kann euch Ingrid Schmoliner bestens erörtern. Viel wichtiger aber ist: WIR LASSEN die großen Ferien AUSJODELN! Zwanglos und ohne Vorkenntnisse: Lass alles raus und spĂŒr dein inneres Kind lebendig & lautstark!
Die großartige Ingrid Schmoliner lĂ€dt gemeinsam mit der Wanderpraxis Bodenlos zum großen FerienendefrĂŒhenfreitagabend nach Perchtoldsdorf ein, um mit allerlei Praxis & G’spĂŒr barfuß, alles momentan Unverdaubare, fĂŒr den Moment vollkommen raus und die Lebendigkeit wieder voll rein zu lassen.

Yodelling Workshop for Beginners and Hiking in Dordolla_Val Aupa_Friulan Alps_Italy_ 31.08. – 02.09.2018

Full information click here!
VollstÀndige Beschreibung in Deutsch!

_ Val Aupa, Dordolla, Italy
_ 31.08- 02.09.2018
_ for beginners and intermediate yodellers
_ discover the valley and surroundings on guided hikes
_ intensive yodelling lessons in the wild, rugged landscape in a small group
_ accommodation with full board and locally sourced food on the small but charming
   „Tiere Viere” alpine farm

More and more people are discovering yodelling for themselves, and are fascinated by its power, urgency, and naturalness. Alternating between the strong chest and belly tones, and the fine head voice has a liberating and grounding effect on the entire body.
Ingrid Schmoliner, experienced teacher, musician, composer and passionate yodeller, entices you to make your hidden inner spaces vibrate, to consciously perceive them, and to relate them to your surroundings. On the basis of different yodels, we will work on intimacy/ flexibility/resonance and personal expression with the voice.The limited number of participants (max. 8 people) guarantees an intensive encounter with a special type of singing, in a special place.
Since we will also be hiking, please bring good outdoor shoes and weatherproof clothing!
There will not be difficult hikes, but please only register if it is possible for you to walk unassisted on narrow trails.
With Kaspar Nickles, alpine farmer and nature guide, we will discover what the wonderfully wild mountain landscape around Dordolla has to tell us, and let us be inspired by the primeval, in all its nuances.

The website of our hosts Kaspar and Marina offers insights into their farmhouse, where we will not only stay but also enjoy eating regional specialities (many with ingredients from their own organic farm) cooked by the farmer’s wife herself. This will help make this workshop a truly special experience.
If this virtual visit makes you want more of Val Aupa/Dordolla, you can also extend your yodelling weekend before or after (with 10% discount off the standard room prices!).

General conditions:
Thursday 30.08- Arrival!!!
You can be picked up at the train station in Carnia.
Dinner around 19:30;
Friday 31.08
_ 10:00 – 12:00 Yodelling, introduction to the surrounding scenic viewpoints in Drentus
_ 12:30 Lunch
_ 14:30 – 18:00 Exploratory tour around the village, with a yodelling lesson
_ 19:00 Dinner and a cosy conclusion
Saturday 01.09
_ Breakfast
_ 10:00 – 18:00 Hiking with yodelling lesson in the countryside
   (with a lunch break, food provided)
_ 19:00 Dinner and a cosy conclusion
Sunday 02.09
_ Breakfast
_ 10:00 – 12:30 Yodelling and a final stroll
_ 13:00 Lunch
_ Departure (or extension of your holiday!)

Costs: Workshop – Accommodation – Meals:
As Kaspar and Marina run a small (but fine) family business, there are not many single rooms (as is customary in the alpine regions), so we offer staggered rates for accommodation and meals.
There is also a special rate for the yodelling workshop if you stay in a double room with friends or partners, or with 3 or 4 people in the holiday flat.

_ Yodelling workshop Single Room rate = 300.-/person
_ Yodelling workshop Double Room rate = 250.-/person (special rate)

_ Accommodation plus full board, SR_rates = 180.-/person (3 nights, 3 days full board)
_ Accommodation plus full board, DR_rates = 140.-/person (3 nights, 3 days full board)

Please register soon! Since as already mentioned, only 7 to 8 people can participate if the room capacity is fully utilised!
Please bring appropriate footwear (if possible alpine hiking boots) and clothing (plus an umbrella) suitable for the place and weather, possibly also a seat/mat for the breaks outdoors.

Registration is required and binding!
Attention! Due to the small number of participants, places can only be reserved only with a deposit of € 150.00!
Bank transfers to: Ingrid Schmoliner, Raiffeisenbank Sirnitz, IBAN AT72 3925 4000 0002 1493, BIC: RZKTAT2K254
Attention: The registration deadline is 20.08.2018!
In case of cancellation, a replacement person can take over your workshop place!
If there is no replacement, the deposit must be forfeit.

Arrival is possible by train via Villach, where a regional train leaves daily at 9:45 and 19:29 from the main station to Udine. Pickup at Carnia station available by appointment.

For arrival by car – see the directions to Drentus on the website (http://de.tiereviere.net/anreise).

Yodelling Workshop Advanced and Hiking in Dordolla _Val Aupa_Friulan Alps_Italy_ 29.06. – 01.07.2018

Full Information is here to find!
VollstÀndige Beschreibung auch in Deutsch!

_ Val Aupa, Dordolla, Italy
_ 29.06 – 01.07.2018
_ for advanced and intermediate yodellers
_ discover the valley and surroundings on guided hikes
_ intensive yodelling lessons in the wild, rugged landscape in a small group
_ discover new hiking routes
_ accommodation with full board and locally sourced food on the small but charming
   „Tiere Viere” alpine farm

This workshop is intended for yodellers who already have some (or more) experience with yodelling and want to dive deeper into this singing form in the wonderfully inspiring area of Val Aupa and the Friulian mountains.
Note! This workshop can also be attended by people who have been to this area with me before, because I will create new yodels and also a new hike for those re-registering. The limited number of participants (max. 8 people) guarantees an intensive encounter with a special type of singing, in a special place.
Different yodels will be used to work on intimacy, flexibility, resonance, and personal expression.
To hold one’s voice in polyphonic singing, to hear oneself and others, to interact with them and to feel comfortable during a solo will be central themes here.
The yodel texts and their structures will be illuminated even more precisely, in order to relieve the voice and ensure a differentiated expression over longer periods of time.

Ingrid Schmoliner, experienced musician, teacher, composer, and passionate singer, will give her experienced insight into the connections between body – space – expression – structure – impulse – resonance – perception – and technique within this special singing form.

Since we will also be hiking, please bring good outdoor shoes and weatherproof clothing!

There will not be difficult hikes, but please only register if it is possible for you to walk unassisted on narrow trails.

With Kaspar Nickles, alpine farmer and nature guide, we will discover what the wonderfully wild mountain landscape around Dordolla has to tell us, and let us be inspired by the primeval, in all its nuances.
The website of our hosts Kaspar and Marina offers insights into their farmhouse, where we will not only stay but also enjoy eating regional specialities (many with ingredients from their own organic farm) cooked by the farmer’s wife herself. This will help make this workshop a truly special experience.
If this virtual visit makes you want more of Val Aupa/Dordolla, you can also extend your yodelling weekend before or after (with 10% discount off the standard room prices!).

General conditions:
Arrival!Thursday 28.06.2018
You can be picked up at the train station in Carnia.;
Dinner around 19:30;

Friday 29.06
_ 10:00 – 12:00 Yodelling, introduction to the surrounding scenic viewpoints in Drentus
_ 12:30 Lunch
_ 14:30 – 18:00 Exploratory tour around the village, with a yodelling lesson
_ 19:00 Dinner and a cosy conclusion
Saturday 30.06
_ Breakfast
_ 10:00 – 18:00 Hiking with yodelling lesson in the countryside

(with a lunch break, food provided)
_ 19:00 Dinner and a cosy conclusion

Sunday 01.07
_ Breakfast
_ 10:00 – 12:30 Yodelling and a final stroll
_ 13:00 Lunch
_ Departure (or extension of your holiday!)

Costs: Workshop – Accommodation – Meals:

As Kaspar and Marina run a small (but fine) family business, there are not many single rooms (as is customary in the alpine regions), so we offer staggered rates for accommodation and meals.

There is also a special rate for the yodelling workshop if you stay in a double room with friends or partners, or with 3 or 4 people in the holiday flat.

_ Yodelling workshop Single Room rate = 300.-/person

_ Yodelling workshop Double Room rate = 250.-/person (special rate)

_ Accommodation plus full board, SR_rates = 180.-/person (3 nights, 3 days full board)

_ Accommodation plus full board, DR_rates = 140.-/person (e nights, 3 days full board)

Please register soon! Since as already mentioned, only 7 to 8 people can participate if the room capacity is fully utilised!

Please bring appropriate footwear (if possible alpine hiking boots) and clothing (plus an umbrella) suitable for the place and weather, possibly also a seat/mat for the breaks outdoors.

Registration is required and binding!
Attention! Due to the small number of participants, places can only be reserved only with a deposit of € 150.00!Bank transfers to: Ingrid Schmoliner, Raiffeisenbank Sirnitz, IBAN AT72 3925 4000 0002 1493, BIC: RZKTAT2K254

Attention: The registration deadline is 20.06.2018!
In case of cancellation, a replacement person can take over your workshop place!
If there is no replacement, the deposit must be forfeit.
Arrival is possible by train via Villach, where a regional train leaves daily at 9:45 and 19:29 from the main station to Udine.

Workshop Intensiv-Wochenende – Jodeln und Obertongesang fĂŒr AnfĂ€nger von FR. 13.04. – SO. 15.04. 2018

Workshop Intensiv-Wochenende – Jodeln und Obertongesang fĂŒr AnfĂ€nger
Fr.13.04. – So. 15.04.2018

Fr.:  17:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Sa.: 10:00 – 13:00 Uhr und 15:00 – 18:00 Uhr
So.: 11:00 – 14:00 Uhr

KiG! Kultur in Graz
Lagergasse 98a
8020 Graz

Anmeldeschluss: 23.03.2018!

Dieses Wochenende widmet sich dem intensiven Kennenlernen von 2 sehr kontrÀren Gesangstechniken dem Jodeln und dem Obertongesang.

Da die TeilnehmerInnenzahl bewusst klein gehalten wird, können hier viele Bereiche angesprochen bzw. einzeln herausgearbeitet werden. Der Fokus liegt auf einer sehr genauen Vermittlung der beiden Techniken und dem bewussten Wahrnehmen und GegenĂŒberstellen in entspannter AthmosphĂ€re.

Zielsetzung ist es, dass die TeilnehmerInnen nach anfĂ€nglichem AufwĂ€rmen zu beiden Gesangsformen einen unmittelbar–ganzheitlichen Zugang finden, um eine konkrete Basis mitzubekommen. Das Interesse selbststĂ€ndig und ohne Scheu weiterzusingen und zu probieren und sich somit Platz fĂŒr seinen eigenen Ausdruck zu schaffen soll geweckt und gefördert werden. Durch Mitschnitte und Notenmaterial wird der Zugang von allen Seiten beleuchtet.

Der Fortgeschrittenen-Workshop im Juni wird weiter und tiefer in die Mehrstimmigkeit und Improvisation bzw. den persönlichen Ausdruck eintauchen. Mehr Infos zum Workshop fĂŒr Fortgeschrittene: http://kulturingraz.weblog.mur.at/kulturingraz/workshop_jodeln_oberton_02.pdf

Ingrid Schmoliner, erfahrene Musikerin, PĂ€dagogin, Komponistin und leidenschaftliche SĂ€ngerin verleitet dazu, verborgene innere RĂ€ume zum Schwingen zu bringen, bewusst wahrzunehmen und mit der Umgebung in Beziehung zu setzen. Die Infrastruktur im Volkshaus bietet einen wunderbar großen – offenen – hellen Raum unter Dach mit Aussicht und guter Akustik.

Immer mehr Menschen entdecken das Jodeln mit seiner faszinierenden Kraft, Eindringlichkeit und NatĂŒrlichkeit. Der Wechsel zwischen den starken Brust-Bauchtönen und der feinen Kopfstimme wirkt auf den gesamten Körper befreiend und erdend. Anhand von unterschiedlichen Jodlern wird an IntimitĂ€t/ Beweglichkeit/ Ressonanz/ persönlichem Ausdruck der Stimme gearbeitet.

Obertonsingen schĂ€rft maßgeblich die Selbstwahrnehmung und das Hören. Die AbstĂ€nde zwischen dem Grundton und der Obertonreihe, das Wahrnehmen der eigenen Obertöne reflektiert durch den Raum und jene der Gruppe und die unterschiedlichen Obertontechniken werden hier gezeigt. Somit bildet sich ein VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die eigene Position und den objektiven Charakter/TonqualitĂ€t der Obertöne.

Bitte bequeme Kleidung und Hausschuhe oder dicke Socken mitbringen, damit hier freie Bewegungen zum AufwÀrmen und Singen möglich sind.
Notenmaterial bzw. Aufnahmen vom Workshop sind inklusive.


Kosten: 250,- /pro Person
Anmeldungen sind erforderlich und verbindlich!
Es kann bei Ausfall eine Ersatzperson als TeilnehmerIn gebracht werden.

Achtung! PlÀtze gelten wegen der geringen TeilnehmerInnenzahl nur bei einer Anzahlung von
€ 150,00 als reserviert!

Überweisung bitte an:
KiG! Kultur in Graz
Bankverbindung: Die Steiermärkische
IBAN: AT882081504000605636
Verwendungszweck:   ‘Jodeln01’  +  Nachname der teilnehmenden Person
Anmeldeschluss: 23.03.2018

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